Monday, December 31, 2012

Boston Dentist: Gum Disease Treatment - Dentistry, Health and Fitness

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Griffon Continues to Cut Loose R...

--THIS IS THE ORIGINAL VIDEO, ANIMATED BY ME, JORDAN CWIERZ AKA JAYORDAN-- As seen in Drunk Tank podcast #107, Griffon's wild night in New Orleans continues, while Geoff tries to help in any way possible. Audio from Drunk Tank podcast #94. Animated by either Jay or Dan.

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Teeth Whitening : Identifying Advan....

Advanced periodontitis is identified by extremely mobile or loose teeth, horrible breath or a consistent bad taste in the mouth and receding gums. Recognize the signs of advanced periodontitis, where teeth don't have enough bone mass to stay rooted, with tips from a licensed dental assistant in this...

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Nuclear Roulette - Society, Politics, and the Planet - Discussion Group

Nuclear Roulette: The Truth About the Most Dangerous Energy Source on Earth
By Mark Karlin, Truthout | Interview

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According to Chelsea Green, the publisher of the new book Nuclear Roulette:
Each new disaster demonstrates that the nuclear industry and governments lie to "avoid panic," to preserve the myth of "safe, clean" nuclear power, and to sustain government subsidies. Tokyo and Washington both covered up Fukushima's radiation risks and - when confronted with damning evidence - simply raised the levels of "acceptable" risk to match the greater levels of exposure.

Nuclear Roulette dismantles the core arguments behind the nuclear-industrial complex's "Nuclear Renaissance." While some critiques are familiar - nuclear power is too costly, too dangerous, and too unstable - others are surprising: Nuclear Roulette exposes historic links to nuclear weapons, impacts on Indigenous lands and lives, and the ways in which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission too often takes its lead from industry, rewriting rules to keep failing plants in compliance. Nuclear Roulette cites NRC records showing how corporations routinely defer maintenance and lists resulting "near-misses" in the US, which average more than one per month.
Truthout interviewed the book's author, Gar Smith:

Mark Karlin: The first part of your book covers 14 arguments against nuclear power. Let's talk about a couple, starting with one that is a bit inclusive of most of the others. What are the catastrophic dangers of nuke plants that you detail in Chapter 4?

Gar Smith: Atomic energy is impractical on many levels. Nuclear power has proven too costly to survive without massive government support and taxpayer bailouts. Nuclear power is inherently unreliable because reactors must be regularly shut down to replace used fuel assemblies. Reactors also experience "unplanned shutdowns," which means they can be offline more than 10 percent of the time. In 2011, the NRC's own records revealed at least 75 percent of US reactors were routinely leaking radioactive tritium.

Nuclear reactors are not energy efficient. They produce far more heat than they can possibly use. It takes as much as 500,000 gallons of water per minute to keep these plants cool. Even then, around two-thirds of the heat is wasted and needs to be spilled into nearby waterways or into the atmosphere. A reactor is like a sports car built to travel 600 miles per hour in a world where the speed limit is 60 mph. To operate it safely, you need to have your foot on the brakes - at all times. And good luck if the brakes fail.

The world now has experienced three catastrophic events in three decades - with explosions, fires and meltdowns at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima. Add to that the increasing number of accidents as aging reactors in the US and around the world continue to crack, leak and fail. Whether the industry likes it or not, it is inevitable that nuclear accidents are going to increasingly make the evening news.

Mark Karlin: We hear so much nuclear industry talk of new and improved reactors. What is the reality behind that claim?

Gar Smith: While there are new designs, as yet, none of them have been built or fully tested. Most of the so-called Generation IV reactors will probably never be built. The new AP1000 reactors under construction in Georgia and South Carolina have fundamental design flaws that prompted the former chair of the NRC to vote against granting them a license. Construction of Georgia's two AP1000 Vogtle reactors (supported with billions in taxpayer-backed loan guarantees) has been plagued by shoddy construction and second-rate building materials.
In addition to the proposed new reactors (which would operate at temperatures two to three times greater than existing plants), the Department of Energy is providing funds to kick-start something called a small modular reactor. These "mini-nukes" could be housed inside a two-car garage but would probably be placed underground. Dispersing these small reactors across the landscape would increase security risks, magnify supply-and-transportation hazards, and do nothing to reduce the danger of reactor accidents and routine releases of radioactivity.
Let's be clear: nuclear plants don't generate electricity. They produce only three things: vast amounts of heat (which is used to spin the turbines that generate electricity), radioactive fallout (in the form of "permissible" leaks that have been linked to thyroid tumors and childhood leukemia) and tons of radioactive garbage.
Recently, nuclear power has been promoted as a clean alternative to fossil fuels, but even if atomic power were carbon-free (which it is not), relying on nuclear to eliminate even half of the world's climate-warming CO2 emissions would require building 32 new reactors a year. That's not gonna happen.

Mark Karlin: In the 50s and 60s, there was a large European and United States anti-nuclear movement that included massive protests against nuke bombs and plants. What happened? Nuclear power hardly is in the news anymore except when there is a meltdown such as at Fukushima.

Gar Smith: Well, many of those protests were staged to halt construction of new reactors. Once the reactors were up and running, the protests lost their purpose. As to the general lack of critical news, that could have something to do with the fact that the major networks are corporate and have consolidated to just a few over the years. Their interests are corporate.
When the fallout from Fukushima reached the West Coast, the public was assured that the iodine-131 in the rainwater had a radioactive half-life of "only" six days. But if you really want to know how long an isotope remains hazardous, multiply the half-life by ten.

Mark Karlin: Truthout recently ran an excerpt from Nuclear Roulette about industry-government public relations to promote nuclear power. How does this manifest itself?

Gar Smith: A nuclear engineer once observed: "Nuclear power can be safe and nuclear power can be cheap. Just not at the same time." The nuclear disasters in Pennsylvania, Ukraine and Japan all demonstrated a common response from industry and government - a pattern of hubris, denial and deception. The basic premise is that the technology will never fail. When it does fail, you deny a problem exists. Finally, when the problem spins out of control, you resort to deception to avoid accountability.
Following the Fukushima meltdowns, the White House falsely assured the public the fallout would not reach the US. The Environmental Protection Agency then failed to release evidence that its RadNet monitors detected radioactive iodine and cesium in West Coast rainwater. In Japan, when radiation levels rose above "safe" levels, Tokyo responded by raising the "allowable" exposure to radiation. The US did the same. The US has cut back its monitoring of fallout from daily detection to quarterly tests. With the Fukushima meltdowns still not contained, this is indefensible.

Mark Karlin: What is President Obama's current position on nuclear energy development?

Gar Smith: It was George W. Bush who tried to create a so-called "nuclear renaissance" by expediting the reactor licensing and promising the industry billions of dollars in government handouts. President Obama initially outdid Bush, offering to double the amount of the government's nuclear bailout. While Obama has made important commitments to funding renewable energy programs, he still remains wedded to the nuclear lobby. Fukushima provides the most egregious example.
Following the triple meltdown, Tokyo closed all of its reactors. (Two were subsequently restarted, but their days are numbered since it's been discovered they are sitting atop an active earthquake fault.) Japan publicly announced plans to permanently close all its reactors by 2030, but suddenly had an abrupt change of mind. What happened? According to reports in the Nikkei News Service, Secretary of State Clinton informed then-Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda that Japan's anti-nuclear plan posed a problem for America's "energy strategy." He was advised not to abandon the nuclear path.

Mark Karlin: In Nuclear Roulette, you address the perils of aging reactors. What is the magnitude of this danger in the United States?

Gar Smith: In 2008, a government study found "degraded conditions" in aging US reactors were responsible for 70 percent of the industry's "potentially serious safety problems." Despite these warnings, the nuclear industry successfully pressured the NRC to begin extending the 40-year operating life of 52 aging US reactors to 60 years. In June 2012, the NRC met to consider extending some operating permits for up to 80 years - twice the reactors' intended operating life.

Mark Karlin: How cozy is the NRC with the industry it regulates?

Gar Smith: As a presidential candidate in 2008, Barack Obama called the NRC "a moribund agency ... captive of the industry that it regulates." There are good people in the NRC but, too often, the NRC (like other government agencies) acts less like a watchdog and more like an enabler. Thanks to this regulatory-industrial complex, the NRC has repeatedly rewritten the rulebook to allow failing plants to receive passing grades.
A 2011 investigation by the Associated Press revealed how the NRC had been "working closely with the nuclear power industry to keep the nation's aging reactors operating within safety standards by repeatedly weakening those standards, or simply failing to enforce them."
Mark Karlin: You have a chapter on near misses and unbelievable mishaps. What are some of them?

Gar Smith: There have been more than 50 major nuclear disasters around the world over the last 60 years - including fires, explosions and meltdowns that resulted in deaths, mass evacuations and permanent contamination of downwind lands. At least 11 workers have been killed in US reactor accidents. Three Army technicians were killed in an explosion at a government reactor in Idaho in 1961 (their bodies had to be buried in lead-lined coffins). Another eight workers were killed in a series of three explosions over a 14-year span at the Surry reactor in Virginia.
In addition to these fatalities, there have been scores of near misses. In 1975, a worker using a candle to check for air leaks accidentally set fire to the Browns Ferry plant in Alabama. The fire burned for more than seven hours and one of the two reactors suffered a near-meltdown.

In 1981, California's two San Onofre reactors were closed to repair 6,000 damaged steam generator tubes. During the restart, the plant caught fire, knocking out one of the plant's two emergency backup generators. In February 2012, a similar steam-tube problem caused a release of radioactive hydrogen gas that again shut down San Onofre's reactors. Despite a second hydrogen leak in October, the plant's operators have asked the NRC for permission to restart one reactor and run it for five months at 70 percent power to "see if it is safe."

In 2002, inspectors in Ohio discovered a "hole in the head" of the reactor vessel at the Davis-Besse plant. The corrosion was so extensive it posed the imminent danger of a massive explosion and radiation release.
It's important to note that the Fukushima reactors were designed and built by General Electric, and 23 of these "Fukushima-style" reactors are currently installed at 16 sites in 12 US states. When Superstorm Sandy hit the East Coast, it knocked out five reactors in its path - including three GE Fukushima-style reactors. The Nine Mile Point reactor was shut down, the Fitzpatrick reactor caught fire, and flooding at the Oyster Creek reactor came within six inches of disabling the spent fuel pool cooling pumps. (If these had failed, the NRC's recommended "fix" was to use a "fire hose" to cool the plant.)

Nuclear power is exponentially more dangerous than any other energy source. Reactors were designed to operate on a more benign planet - not in a world torn by record earthquakes, epic solar flares, extreme hurricanes, floods, fires and droughts.

Mark Karlin: You conclude with a section on alternatives to nuclear power. What are some of the major ones, and why aren't we moving aggressively forward with them?

Gar Smith: I'm glad you asked that question. For all the attention on the downsides of nuclear power, it's important to note that the last third of the book is devoted to solutions.
Wind energy is the world's fast-growing energy sector. The potential for land-based wind power is estimated to be 20 times greater than the world's current electric power consumption. While it took 24 years to build the last US reactor, a 1.5-megawatt wind turbine can be installed in a single day and will be producing electricity in a matter of weeks. In California, 100,000 rooftop solar panels are generating more than 1 gigawatt of clean electricity.
These technologies are being abetted by new structural approaches ranging from mixed-tech microgrids to municipal ownership and production. And there are policy options that promise to increase efficiency, reduce consumption and usher in an age of "energy democracy" where energy is produced locally by homeowners instead of commercial utilities.

Just look at Germany. Chancellor Angela Merkel was a nuclear advocate until Fukushima happened. Now she has closed eight of the country's 17 reactors and plans to complete the transition from nuclear energy by 2022. In two years, Germany has added more than ten gigawatts of solar power to the grid and has opened powerful wind farms off the coast.

What stands in the way? A powerful and entrenched elite dominates US energy policy. The growing disparity of wealth has transformed the US. Our struggling democracy has been replaced by a strangling plutocracy. Like every other corporate energy provider, the nuclear industry is deeply embedded in the economic and political life of the US. Whenever great wealth and power is allowed to accumulate, those who profit from this concentration inevitably seek to defend and extend their control - regardless of the cost to public health, democracy or even the long-term well being of the planet.

Mark Karlin: Ernest Callenbach and Jerry Mander write in the foreword to Nuclear Roulette: "It will be an auspicious start to our new century if we can encourage a revitalized movement to stop all nuclear production and immediately close down every nuclear facility - military and civilian. Then we can dedicate our skills and resources to finding true solutions to the real challenges of our time: evolving a sustainable, energy-wise, and peaceful society." What would make such a transformation in our culture and politics possible?

Gar Smith: Individuals have already begun the transition from fossil fuels to clean renewables. The dig-it-up/burn-it/dump-it approach to energy is being challenged by the new technologies that harvest the clean, free energy that pours from the sky in the form of sunbeams and breezes.

The world is not only running out of cheaply obtainable fossil fuels; we're also running out of high-grade uranium ore. Because all these mineral resources are finite, some kind of transition is inevitable. The only question is, how much damage will we inflict on human and planetary health in the meantime?

We really need to turn our focus toward decommissioning our reactors. Sure, decommissioning is a long and costly process, but it is infinitely more affordable than cleaning up the aftermath of a single nuclear meltdown. Decommissioning one reactor can cost $10 billion over ten years, but cleaning up the mess at Fukushima is expected to take 30 years and cost $137 billion.

What might the future look like? Take a look at Saudi Arabia. Even the Saudi royal family can see the writing on the wall. The kingdom recently announced plans to install 54,000 milliwatts of clean, renewable power over the next 20 years.


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

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Jacob Bergeron sinks 25-foot putt to win Junior Golf Championship

, December 29, 2012 6:04 p.m.

Jacob Bergeron of Slidell hits onto the sixth green at the Allstate Sugar Bowl Tommy Moore Memorial Junior Golf Championship in Algiers on Saturday. - (Chris Ganger, | The Times-Picayune)

Slidell?s Jacob Bergeron drained a 25-foot par putt on the final hole to win the Boys 14-18 Division of the Allstate Sugar Bowl Tommy Moore Memorial Junior Golf Championship during a frigid and windy Saturday at Lakewood Golf Club.

Bergeron, who won the Boys 12-13 Division last year, missed a 5-foot birdie on 17, but recovered from a short approach on the 18th to close out the dramatic win with an even-par 72 on the final day. He shot a 1-under 143 for the tournament.

?I was looking at the putt, and just like all the putts I had all day, I couldn?t really tell how it was breaking,? he said. ?I just said play it left edge and see what happens, and it broke right in the middle of the hole. It was a cool feeling. I?m really just speechless right now, and I?m super blessed.?

Ross Bell of Madison, Miss., finished second with an even-par 144, and St. Paul?s Brandon Pierce finished third with 2-over-par 146. Bell opened with four straight birdies, but double bogeyed 17 to finish at even-par.

?It was fun trying to play in these conditions,? Bergeron said. ?It was definitely a struggle for the most part. I just played my game and tried to capitalize on the birdie opportunities that I got.?

Pierce, an LSU signee, said his chip-in on 10 helped jump start his back nine after he finished the front nine at 3-over-par.

?I chipped it to within an inch of where I wanted to land it, and it went in,? he said. ?I guess that got me back into it because I don?t think I was completely 100 percent focused. It got me through the rest of the round. The conditions were pretty tough. The first day, I played the first 12 holes with almost no wind, and all day today, it was a two, three, four club wind.?

The tournament featured 80 golfers from eight states in four different divisions. Hayden White of Benton, La., won the Boys 12-13 division with a 154 two-day total. White shared the Day 1 lead after shooting a 4-over-par 76 and said a birdie on the first hole followed by an up-and-down save on the par-3 third set the tone for his day.

?I went through the whole round not making too many bad mistakes,? he said. ?The worst I had today was a double, and it didn?t really get to me that much because I didn?t want it to change my thinking. I had a good short game today.?

In the Girls 14-18 Division, Morgan Nadaline, of Anderson, Ind., sank a six-foot bogey putt on 18 to edge McGehee freshman Angelica Harris for the girls title by one stroke.

Nadaline shot an 80 for a 161 two-day total. After a 3-over-par front nine, she double bogeyed 12 before rebounding for a birdie on 15.

?I think I played better than I did yesterday,? she said. ?I definitely made more putts, but it was just so windy, and the cold made it worse. A lot was going through my mind (on the last putt). I?m not the best putter there is, so some of those putts are iffy for me. I just knew I needed to have confidence, and I made it.?

Harris, who made a triple bogey on the ninth hole, rallied for a birdie on 18 after she hit a 6-iron to within a foot of the pin. She finished with 82 for a 162 two-day total.

?The last hole I was really excited because I just wanted to finish strong,? Harris said. ?Yesterday, I didn?t play that hole too well, so I was able to redeem myself and play it better. I was affected by the wind a little bit, but I just love to play. It doesn?t matter what the conditions are I?ll always be out here. ?

Presley Baggett of Diamondhead, Miss., won the Girls 12-13 Division, finishing with a 176.

?I didn?t play as well as I usually do,? she said. ?The conditions weren?t the worst, but they were pretty bad. The wind was the worst, but it feels really good because I know today was a hard win. My chipping was a lot better than it has been as was my putting.?


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Language Log ? Innovation, rules, and regulation

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John McIntyre, "I said pound sand, sticklers", 12/27/2012:

Yesterday I sent out this tweet: "Just waved through a singular 'they.' Pound sand, sticklers."

The singular they was in a sentence on The Sun's editorial page: "Although experts say only a tiny proportion of seriously mentally ill people ever resort to acts of violence, the odds of someone doing so are greatly increased if they aren't in treatment or refuse to stay in it."

John goes on to observe that the argument over singular they is "a typical liberal/conservative divide, of the kind common in disputes over usage":

The lefty is all enthusiastic about some novelty, and the righty resists until the novelty either drops off or becomes established. It's an evolutionary view of the operation of language.

But in this case the polarities are reversed. [I am] arguing for a long-established usage in English, and the sticklers are holding fast to a rule that is a relative novelty.

I made a similar argument in "Regardless whether Prudes will sneer", 12/10/2012:

[M]any people seem to believe that opinions about linguistic usage reflect attitudes towards innovation. ?The story goes like this: A new word, a new form, or a new construction is invented; at first, most people reject the innovation and deprecate the innovators; but the innovation spreads all the same; eventually it becomes normal and accepted, and no one even remembers that there was a problem. While this process is underway, one side supports tradition, insists on standards, and mutters about Kids Today; the other side supports innovation, points out that many of the Best People Are Doing It, and mutters about peevish old snoots.

Historical processes of that kind certainly do happen [?]. But overall, as an explanation of attitudes towards linguistic variation, this story is a failure. Usage peeving, though usually claiming to protect traditional usage, in fact aims to eliminate older forms at least as often as it tries to hold the line against newer ones.

And the insistence on regulation by prescriptive "rules", in whatever relationship to the direction of linguistic history, is another interesting inversion of the standard political metaphors as applied to matters of usage. Consider this passage from Friedrich Hayek,? Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volumes 1: Rules and Order, p. 10-11:

[Constructivist rationalism] produced a renewed propensity to ascribe the origin of all institutions of culture to invention or design. Morals, religion and law, language and writing, money and the market, were thought of as having been deliberately constructed by somebody, or at least as owing whatever perfection they possessed to such design. ?

Yet ? [m]any of the institutions of society which are indispensible conditions for the successful pursuit of our conscious aims are in fact the result of customs, habits or practices which have been neither invented nor are observed with any such purpose in view. ?

Man ? is successful not because he knows why he ought to observe the rules which he does observe, or is even capable of stating all these rules in words, but because his thinking and acting are governed by rules which have by a process of selection been evolved in the society in which he lives, and which are thus the product of the experience of generations.

It would be hard to find a better statement of the descriptivist attitude towards linguistic norms.

But Hayek is using a general discussion of "all institutions of culture" to argue for a libertarian approach to economic and social policy, avoiding central planning and minimizing coercive regulatory intervention. Hayek was "one of Ronald Reagan's favorite thinkers" and an important influence on Margaret Thatcher ??I think it's fair to associate these attitudes with the right-hand side of the political spectrum over the past half-century or so.

Projecting political, social, and cultural philosophies onto a single dimension necessarily yields odd juxtapositions. ?But if we insist on doing it, we should try to be clear about the process and the results. Today, most people who know what the words mean would align "descriptivism" and "prescriptivism" as left and right respectively, I suppose because they associate the elitist and authoritarian aspects of prescriptivism with the political right. But the right has no monopoly on class-consciousness or on coercion. And in this case, I feel that the natural projection falls in the opposite direction.

For more on this, see:

"Authoritarian rationalism is not conservatism", 12/11/2007
"The non-existence of Kilpatrick's Rule", 12/14/2007
"James Kilpatrick, Linguistic Socialist", 3/28/2008
"Querkopf von Klubstick returns", 6/10/2008
"Peever politics", 11/20?/2011
"Rules and 'rules'", 5/11/2012
"Bottum's plea", 7/16/2012



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Neural Pointillism: Lighting Up the Brain in Psychedelic Relief

Genetic engineering enables individual brain cells of research animals to ignite in brilliant color to trace the elaborate connections of a nervous system

neural artwork Image: Brainbow image

During the last decade, researchers have labored intensively to find new methods to photograph the complex networks of nerve cells that make up the brain and spinal cord, an attempt to overcome the severe limitations of earlier imaging technologies. The emerging science of connectomics, intended to map such connections, will be made possible by deploying these techniques.

In 2007, Jeff Lichtman, Joshua Sanes and colleagues at Harvard University came up with one of the most notable examples of the new brain-cell imaging methods. Brainbow lights up neurons in about 100 different hues, enabling a precise tracking of neural circuitry and synapses, the gaps between brain cells.

>>View the Neural Pointillism Slide Show

Scientists engineer a mouse or another model animal with a gene that randomly causes each neuron to express differing amounts of a red, green or blue fluorescent protein, producing a palette of varying pastel-like colors. Slices of tissue are photographed and recombined to produce detailed imagery of the brain?s structural topography. (The original discovery of what is called green fluorescent protein by Martin Chalfie, Osamu Shinomura and Roger Y. Tsien, from which these new multi-colored fluorescent proteins are derived, was awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.)


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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Blood found on borrowed car in missing girl case

This undated photo provided by the Las Vegas Police Department shows Jade Moris, 10, who police are searching for after she failed to return home Friday, Dec. 21, 2012, from a shopping trip with a woman arrested that night and accused of slashing the face of a female co-worker at the Bellagio resort on the Las Vegas Strip. The woman, Brenda Stokes, 50, made her first appearance in Las Vegas Justice Court on Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Las Vegas Police Department)

This undated photo provided by the Las Vegas Police Department shows Jade Moris, 10, who police are searching for after she failed to return home Friday, Dec. 21, 2012, from a shopping trip with a woman arrested that night and accused of slashing the face of a female co-worker at the Bellagio resort on the Las Vegas Strip. The woman, Brenda Stokes, 50, made her first appearance in Las Vegas Justice Court on Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Las Vegas Police Department)

This booking photo provided by the Clark County Detention Center in Las Vegas, Nev,. Saturday, Dec. 22, 2012, shows 50-year-old Brenda Stokes. Police in Las Vegas have issued a plea for information about 10-year-old Jade Morris after she failed to return home Friday, Dec. 21, 2012, from a shopping trip with a woman who is thought to be Stokes. Stokes was arrested that night and accused of slashing the face of a female co-worker at the Bellagio resort on the Las Vegas Strip. She made her first appearance in Las Vegas Justice Court Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Clark County Detention Center )

(AP) ? Blood was found inside a car borrowed by a Las Vegas Strip card dealer last seen with a missing 10-year-old girl and later arrested in the razor blade slashing of a co-worker at the posh Bellagio resort, a prosecutor said Friday.

Brenda Stokes Wilson was identified in court Friday as the prime suspect in the slaying.

"It's no secret the defendant is the suspect in the murder of 10-year-old Jade Morris," prosecutor Robert Daskas said as he convinced Senior Clark County District Court Judge Joseph Bonaventure to increase Wilson's bail from $60,000 to $600,000 pending the filing of kidnapping and murder charges.

Later Friday, Clark County coroner's officials identified the body found Thursday as that of the girl, Jade Morris. Officials say she died of multiple stab wounds.

The girl was last seen Dec. 21 with Wilson, who'd picked her up to go Christmas shopping. Family members say Jade had a close relationship with Wilson, who used to date her father.

Wilson, 50, was arrested later that night after she was wrestled to the ground with razors in each hand following a face-slashing attack on a female co-worker, Joyce Rhone, at the Bellagio.

She appeared in court in that case Friday, when a judge raised her bail to $600,000.

Wilson has been jailed on felony battery with a weapon, burglary and mayhem charges that could get her decades in prison. Police said she has offered no help in the search for the missing girl. Murder and kidnapping charges could get her life in prison without parole or the death penalty.

Wilson stood in court flanked by eight police officers as her lawyer, Tony Liker, clutching a Bible and a copy of the charging documents, asked the judge to postpone arraignment until Wednesday to give him time to meet with Wilson.

Liker declined comment outside court.

Police went public with the search for Jade Morris on Christmas Day, and the case received increasing attention after the relationship between the girl and Wilson became known. Clark County District Attorney Steve Wolfson watched the proceedings in court Friday and called the case important for the community.

Wilson, who had been identified by police and prosecutors as Brenda Stokes, told the judge Friday that her full name was Brenda Stokes Wilson.

Associated Press


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Friday, December 28, 2012

Air Force faces Rice in Armed Forces Bowl

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) ? Troy Calhoun remembers the day almost six years ago when he returned to Air Force as the first academy graduate to become the head coach.

The Falcons were coming off three consecutive losing seasons, and Calhoun recalls what he was told after taking the job.

"Somebody said, 'Hey, realistically, these first five years, if you can catch lightning in a bottle one time, maybe you get to a bowl game,'" Calhoun said Friday.

Try six bowls in six seasons.

Air Force (6-6) makes its school-record sixth consecutive bowl appearance Saturday against Rice (6-6) of Conference USA in the Armed Forces Bowl.

Calhoun's first season ended with a loss to California in the 2007 Armed Forces Bowl, where the Falcons played three consecutive years before going to the Independence and Military bowls the last two years. They are back in Fort Worth after overcoming the loss of 17 senior starters from last season.

"I first found out about this opportunity back in the summer. We knew it would be really a goal for our squad," said Calhoun, whose team is the Mountain West Conference representative in the game. "We had only five starters coming back into this season. ... The first two weeks in August, we were a long, long ways away from being a bowl team."

Even with the huge turnover in the starting lineup, the Falcons still do well what they have for so long. They run. Air Force is second nationally with 329 yards rushing per game, and won against Hawaii ? the victory that got them bowl eligible ? without throwing a single pass.

"They are a very disciplined team," Rice cornerback Phillip Gaines said. "You can't try to do too much against this team because that's when they break the big plays. So you just have to be sound, and everything else will take care of itself."

Gaines broke up 18 passes during the regular season, tying for the national lead. Only four NCAA players have had 20 in a season, the last in 2006. Against Air Force, Gaines may not get many chances to reach that mark, though he knows he has stay focused on the receiver he's covering.

With only seven seniors (three of them tight ends), Rice is in its first bowl game since 2008. The Owls, who lost three games by four points or less, were 1-5 after a 14-10 loss at Memphis the first weekend of October.

"We set our goals to go to a bowl game this season. It was one where we were 1-5 at one point and had to get on a roll," coach David Bailiff said. "It's a tribute to our seniors who every day when our football team came over there, we would not let them have bad days. We drew a line in the sand. We used a lot of the hard lessons early that put us on a roll late."

Like Calhoun at Air Force, Bailiff is in his sixth season at Rice. The Owls made it to the Texas Bowl in Bailiff's second season, but this is only their third bowl since two postseason games during the 1961 calendar year ? the Sugar Bowl on Jan. 2 and the Bluebonnet Bowl in December of that year.

Since the Falcons' last game, senior quarterback Connor Dietz has graduated from the academy and been commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Air Force.

"He's an officer now, so we have to take orders from him and actually listen to him now," senior defensive lineman Nick DeJulio said with a chuckle. "He's one of our influential leaders."

Dietz, who followed a pair of four-year starting quarterbacks, is feeling healthy after being banged up toward the end of the regular season, when Air Force lost three of its last four games. He has thrown for 1,127 yards and eight touchdowns and run for 658 yards with five scores.

While Dietz only attempted four passes in the regular season finale after the zero-pass game against Hawaii, he expects the Falcons to mix in a few more passing plays against Rice ? if needed.

"We're not the same offense every year, we're not the same offense every game," Dietz said. "When we have to throw, we throw. When we have to run, we run. It's kind of one of those things, where if it's working, why change it? That's kind of how we approach every game. We go in with a big game plan, but if a certain little thing is working, why get away from it?"


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Jessica Simpson Confirms On Christmas: She's Having A Baby!

In her second holiday baby announcement, Simpson tweets a photo of daughter Maxwell with the phrase 'Big Sis' written in the sand.
By Katie Atkinson

Jessica Simpson's daughter Maxwell
Photo: Jessica Simpson


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EPA Administrator Jackson announces resignation

WASHINGTON (AP) ? EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, the Obama administration's chief environmental watchdog, is stepping down after nearly four years marked by high-profile brawls over global warming pollution, the Keystone XL oil pipeline, new controls on coal-fired plants and several other hot-button issues that affect the nation's economy and people's health.

Jackson constantly found herself caught between administration pledges to solve thorny environmental problems and steady resistance from Republicans and industrial groups who complained that the agency's rules destroyed jobs and made it harder for American companies to compete internationally.

The GOP chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan, said last year that Jackson would need her own parking spot at the Capitol because he planned to bring her in so frequently for questioning. Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney called for her firing, a stance that had little downside during the GOP primary.

Jackson, 50, the agency's first black administrator and a chemical engineer, did not point to any particular reason for her departure. Historically, Cabinet members looking to move on will leave at the beginning of a president's second term.

Despite the opposition, which former EPA chiefs have said is the worst they have seen against the agency, Jackson still managed to take significant steps that will improve air quality and begin to curb global warming.

"I will leave the EPA confident the ship is sailing in the right direction, and ready in my own life for new challenges, time with my family and new opportunities to make a difference," she said in a statement. Jackson will leave sometime after President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union address, typically in late January.

In a separate statement, Obama said Jackson has been "an important part of my team." He thanked her for serving and praised her "unwavering commitment" to the public's health.

"Under her leadership, the EPA has taken sensible and important steps to protect the air we breathe and the water we drink, including implementing the first national standard for harmful mercury pollution, taking important action to combat climate change under the Clean Air Act and playing a key role in establishing historic fuel economy standards that will save the average American family thousands of dollars at the pump, while also slashing carbon pollution," he said.

Environmental activist groups and other supporters lauded Jackson for the changes she was able to make, but industry representatives said some may have come at an economic cost. Groups also noted that she leaves a large, unfinished agenda.

"There has been no fiercer champion of our health and our environment than Lisa Jackson, and every American is better off today than when she took office nearly four years ago," said Frances Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council. But she noted that Jackson's successor will inherit an unfinished agenda, including the need to issue new health protections against carbon pollution from existing power plants.

Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., chairman of the Senate's subcommittee on clean air, called Jackson's tenure a "breath of fresh air" and credited her for setting historic fuel economy standards for cars and trucks, and for finalizing clean air standards.

But Scott Segal, director of the Electric Reliability Coordinating Council, said Jackson presided over some of the most expensive environmental rules in EPA history.

"Agency rules have been used as blunt attempts to marginalize coal and other solid fossil fuels and to make motor fuels more costly at the expense of industrial jobs, energy security, and economic recovery," Segal said. "The record of the agency over the same period in overestimating benefits to major rules has not assisted the public in determining whether these rules have been worth it."

Other environmental groups, however, praised Jackson's clean air efforts.

"Notwithstanding the difficult economic and political challenges EPA faced, her agency was directly responsible for saving the lives of tens of thousands of Americans and improving the health of millions throughout the country," said S. William Becker of the National Association of Clean Air Agencies. "She will be sorely missed."

Larry Schweiger, head of the National Wildlife Federation, cited her climate change work and efforts to reduce carbon pollution.

Environmental groups had high expectations for the administration headed by Obama, a Democrat, after eight years of President George W. Bush, a Republican and Texas oilman who rebuffed agency scientists and refused act on climate change. Jackson came into office promising a more active EPA.

But she soon learned that changes would not occur as quickly as she had hoped. Jackson watched as a Democratic-led effort to reduce global warming emissions passed the House in 2009 but was then abandoned by the Senate as economic concerns became the priority. The concept behind the bill, referred to as cap-and-trade, would have established a system where power companies bought and sold pollution rights.

"That's a revolutionary message for our country," Jackson said at a Paris conference shortly after taking the job.

Jackson experienced another big setback last year when the administration scrubbed a clean-air regulation aimed at reducing health-threatening smog. Republican lawmakers had been hammering the president over the proposed rule, accusing him of making it harder for companies to create jobs.

She also vowed to better control toxic coal ash after a massive spill in Tennessee, but that regulation has yet to be finalized more than four years after the spill.

Jackson had some victories, too. During her tenure, the administration finalized a new rule doubling fuel efficiency standards for cars and light trucks. The requirements will be phased in over 13 years and eventually require all new vehicles to average 54.5 mpg, up from 28.6 mpg at the end of last year.

She shepherded another rule that forces power plants to control mercury and other toxic pollutants for the first time. Previously, the nation's coal- and oil-fired power plants had been allowed to run without addressing their full environmental and public health costs.

Jackson also helped persuade the administration to table the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, which would have brought carbon-heavy tar sands oil from Canada to refineries in Texas.

House Republicans dedicated much of their time this past election year trying to rein in the EPA. They passed a bill seeking to thwart regulation of the coal industry and quash the stricter fuel efficiency standards. In the end, though, the bill made no headway in the Senate. It served mostly as election-year fodder that appeared to have little impact on the presidential race.


Associated Press writers Lolita C. Baldor and Pauline Jelinek contributed to this report.


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California meteorite reveals secrets thanks to crowdsourcing (+video)

Recently published research describes a collection of meteorite pieces that landed in California in April. The study came about through a group effort dubbed "crowdsourcing" by the lead scientist. ??

By Elizabeth Howell,? / December 20, 2012

Barely eight months after a fireball lit up California and Nevada skies, the first scientific paper is out examining the meteorites it left behind.

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"It was done very quickly," said Peter Jenniskens, a meteor researcher who suddenly found himself managing a small army of volunteers when the Sutter's Mill meteor broke up April 22.

Dozens of scientists jumped to Jenniskens' aid as he?searched for meteorite fragments. But less publicized will be the volunteers who phoned in reports of meteorites, or sent in?pictures and video of the fireball?by e-mail.

Jenniskens' team?commandeered an airship?to search for fragments. Meanwhile, the team caught a lucky break ? Doppler radar information from nearby weather stations showed the track of the meteorite. Adding this data to the pictures and video sent in by volunteers, the scientists could reconstruct the impacting asteroid's early history. [Photos: Fireball Drops Meteorites On California]

According to Jenniskens, the paper, to be published Friday (Dec. 21) in the journal Science,?was made possible by the mass crowdsourcing effort that enabled a large amount of data to be collected in a short time.

"It's all very important, and it's fantastic how this came together," said Jenniskens, a meteor astronomer at the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). "For me, it was personally very exciting."

Peeling back the years

The Sutter's Mill meteorite turned out to be a rare type ? a?carbonaceous chondrite?that contains information about the early stages of the solar system. The meteorite pieces originated in a space rock that was perhaps as much as 3.3 yards (3 meters) across.

A space rock is called an asteroid or meteoroid until it hits the Earth's atmosphere. The resulting fireball is then called a meteor until it hits the ground, at which point it is dubbed a meteorite.

The asteroid that would later impact California orbited the sun in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, making about three trips around our star in the time it takes Jupiter to orbit once. Such a ratio, known as a resonance, is common in the solar system ? some of?Jupiter's moons are in resonance?with each other, for example.

The asteroid's resonance was a little "off" from a perfect 3 to 1 ratio. At some point, Jupiter's strong gravity muscled the asteroid out of its normal orbit and sent it on a trip to the inner solar system. This pushed the asteroid into a new orbit that brought it in as far as Mercury's orbit when it got closest to the sun.


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di: home infusion/IV pharmacy/mental health?pt 1

After my week in outpatient counseling, I had my last rotation of 2012! This week is split between three different locations ? where you only spend 1 or 2 days in each place.

Since I was in three different places, I?m going to split this into two posts (so it doesn?t get too long). This is post 1.

The first rotation was 2 days long and was at Walgreens Home Infusion. This is a home IV pharmacy that provides IV medications and nutrition support to patients in their home environment. This is a very profitable business because it saves patients (and insurance companies) to not stay in the hospital for extended amounts of time if they need to continue on certain medications or if they need ongoing nutrition support. It allows patients to have a better quality of life because they can administer these medications/nutrition themselves or through the help of a home health nurse/agency.

Walgreens is one of the few home infusion pharmacies that actually employs RDs. Their DFW office has two RDs on staff, who take care of all the patients this company supports on nutrition support. These patients are receiving ongoing enteral (tube feeds) or parenteral (IV) nutrition ? sometimes for weeks to months, or even up to years to lifelong support. Most of the time, the patients discharge from the hospital with home nutrition support orders. Sometimes the orders may come from an outpatient doctor?s office as well. But regardless, once they are at home these home infusion RDs are responsible for their care.

The job of the home infusion RD is very broad. In some situations, they are the only health care professional who sees this patient for long periods of time. They have to be very proactive and spend a lot of time communicating with doctors about the patient?s status and needs. They really become a patient advocate in many cases.

They will initially provide education to the patients and teach them how to run the nutrition pumps and/or manage their own nutrition support so they can become self sufficient. They will assess the patient over time and adjust their nutrition support if needed. They may advocate for changes to the orders that are originally sent for the patient after their assessment. They check in with patients often and help them manage their home health care. They also travel to patient?s homes and see them in their home environment and help them navigate nutrition support considering in this setting. They will help them to problem solve things like clots in enteral tubes and managing timing of nutrition support with the other priorities in their lives.

While in this rotation, I sat with every member of the home infusion team to understand how everyone works together in a team environment. I saw the intake (new patient) team, the pharmacy techs who compound the IV medications/TPNs, the order specialists who call each enteral patient once a month to obtain their formula and supply orders and the shipment team who take in supplies and then redistribute them in individual packages for each patient.

I obviously also worked with the RDs who taught me about all the pumps and supplies used for nutrition support in the home setting. I received training on how these pumps work and how to teach patients to use them. I also received training from a nurse on all the different forms of IV access into the body and what can be placed in the home by a nurse vs. in the hospital by a doctor.

The best part of the rotation was gowning up and being in the sterile IV compounding room. I worked with a pharmacy tech to make TPNs and other IV medications. It was so awesome to see how TPNs are made and to understand the entire process of how I would write a TPN, to how it gets entered, to how it?s made and then how it?s checked and delivered to the patient?s home.

Home infusion is awesome. These RDs ONLY work with nutrition support and they have a education/counseling component to their job, as well as a business and sales component. I really enjoyed working with these RDs and understanding another area that I could work in one day if I wanted! I definitely will keep home infusion in my mind as a possibility for a combined clinical and business position.

Any questions on home infusion that I can answer? Part 2 will be up in a few days!


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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Global Gaming buys 921M Bloomberry shares | Economy | GMA ...

Bloomberry Resorts Corporation on Wednesday said that Global Gaming Philippines LLC has bought 921,184,056 Bloomberry shares.


As the management services provider in Bloomberry's Solaire Manila casino hotel project, Global Gaming has the option to buy the shares and called on that option last Friday, Bloomberry noted in a disclosure to the Philippine Stock Exchange.


The shares will be sold by Prime Metroline Holdings Inc. for $15 million plus 10 percent of the seller?s cost of investment in the project equivalent to P1.67 per share.


Bloomberry was one of four groups that obtained a license to operate a casino in the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation?s ?Entertainment City ? a Las Vegas-style gaming district in Pasay City. The others were Andrew Tan?s Alliance Global, Kazuo Okada?s Tiger Resorts and Henry Sy?s Belle Corp. ? VS, GMA News


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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Stoner Channel: A Drummer's View of NIN, Devo Plays Paris, and Bob Dylan Takes a Drug Drive with John Lennon

More »


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Egypt constitution passes, economic crunch looms

CAIRO (AP) ? The official approval of Egypt's disputed, Islamist-backed constitution Tuesday held out little hope of stabilizing the country after two years of turmoil and Islamist President Mohammed Morsi may now face a more immediate crisis with the economy falling deeper into distress.

In a clear sign of anxiety over the economy, the turbulence of the past month and expected austerity measures ahead have some Egyptians hoarding dollars for fear the currency is about to take a significant turn for the weaker.

The battle over the constitution left Egypt deeply polarized at a time when the government is increasingly cash-strapped. Supporters of the charter campaigned for it on the grounds that it will lead to stability, improve the grip of Morsi and his allies on state institutions, restore investor confidence and bring back tourists.

"In times of change, politics are the driver of the economy and not the other way around," said Mourad Aly, a media adviser for the political arm of the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood, the backbone of Morsi's presidency and the main group that backed the constitution.

But there are already multiple fights on the horizon.

The U.S. State Department bluntly told Morsi it was now time to make compromises, acknowledging deep concerns over the constitution.

"President Morsi, as the democratically elected leader of Egypt, has a special responsibility to move forward in a way that recognizes the urgent need to bridge divisions, build trust, and broaden support for the political process," said Patrick Ventrell, acting deputy spokesman. "We hope those Egyptians disappointed by the result will seek more and deeper engagement. "

He said Egypt "needs a strong, inclusive government to meet its many challenges."

After a spate of resignations of senior aides and advisers during the constitutional crisis, Morsi appeared to have lost another member of his government late Tuesday night when his communications minister posted on his Twitter account that he was resigning.

The minister Hany Mahmoud said he "couldn't cope with the culture of government work, particular in the current conditions of the country." The resignation could not be immediately verified because it came so late at night.

Morsi signed a decree Tuesday night that put the new constitution into effect after the election commission announced the official results of the referendum held over the past two weekends. It said the constitution has passed with a 63.8 percent "yes." Turnout of 32.9 percent of Egypt's nearly 52 million registered voters was lower than most other elections since the uprising nearly two years ago that ousted authoritarian leader Hosni Mubarak

Morsi is expected to call for a new election of parliament's lawmaking lower house within two months.

In the meantime, the traditionally toothless upper house, the Shura Council, will hold legislative power. But the chamber is overwhelmingly Islamist-dominated so any laws it passes could spark a backlash from the opposition. Many fear a legal crackdown on independent media, highly critical of Islamists.

In a bid to reach out to opposition, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood said he hoped the charter will be a "good omen" for Egyptians.

"Let's all begin to build the renaissance of our country with free will, good intentions and strong determination, men, women, Muslims and Christians," Mohammed Badie said on his Twitter account.

But the opposition said the passing of the document is was not the end of the political dispute. Critics fear the constitution will usher in Islamic law in Egypt and restrict personal freedoms.

"This is not a constitution that will last for a long time," said Khaled Dawoud, a spokesman for the main opposition group, the National Salvation Front, vowing to fight for more freedoms, social and economic rights.

In a sign that the new front for the opposition against Morsi's policies may be the economy, Dawoud said the Morsi administration was "confused" both on the political and economic fronts.

"We want stability and economic prosperity like everybody else. But we don't believe that the policies of Morsi and the Brotherhood will lead to more stability," he said.

The turmoil over the constitution sparked huge protests that turned deadly at times. For a moment, the tension looked like it was spiraling out of control and only added to an already weakened economy.

At the height of the protests, the government called off its talks with the International Monetary Fund over a $4.8 billion loan which Morsi's government viewed as a way to attract much needed foreign investors, and deal with a high budget deficit.

Major foreign currency earners, such as foreign direct investment and tourism, have dropped off because of political unrest and deterioration in security following Mubarak's ouster in February 2011.

Over the last two years, the country has lost more than half of its foreign currency reserves from $36 billion in 2010 to around $15 billion currently. The reserve level has been slightly propped up by some Qatari deposits in past months.

Economic experts say that Egypt's current foreign reserves barely cover three months of imports, which is the IMF's minimum recommended coverage.

There were signs on Tuesday that some Egyptians were starting to hoard dollars for fear that the local currency could weaken significantly.

The run on the dollar was fueled in part by a decree issued by Morsi late Monday banning people from leaving Egypt with more than $10,000 or its equivalent in other currencies.

Some currency exchanges in the upscale Cairo neighborhood of Zamalek ran out of dollars by midday and offered only euros ? a rare occurrence. Some banks, too, said they had run out of cash dollars.

"I asked around in many exchange places and can't find dollars anywhere," said Cairo resident Mahmoud Kamel after unsuccessfully visiting one exchange office. "I want to exchange money because I'm afraid the Egyptian pound will not have any value soon."

The dollar rush prompted the Central Bank of Egypt to issue a statement on Monday calling on banks not to listen to rumors circulating about the fiscal health of the nation.

The bank declared its commitment to guarantee all deposits in local and foreign currencies to banks in Egypt and said banks are "financially strong enough."

There was one particularly nerve-rattling report in recent days that longtime Central Bank Governor Farouk Okdah had resigned. The report came on Saturday during the second and final round of voting on the constitutional referendum.

Official media quickly retracted the news after reporting it. The governor then turned up at a meeting of the government's economic team on Sunday in an apparent attempt to quell nervousness over the state of the economy.

Egypt's currency had been stable trading around 6 pounds to the dollar for the first half of the year. It has since slipped, especially in the past two months as political instability worsened. The dollar was selling Tuesday at 6.18.

Rumors swirling around impending tax hikes, subsidy cuts and other bread-and-butter issues have heightened the public's concern. Around 40 percent of Egyptians live just at or below the poverty line of surviving on around $2 a day.

In a sign of the worsening economy, the number of people living on under $1 a day rose to 25 percent in 2011, up from 21.6 percent in 2009, according to government statistics released last month.

Promises that the Islamist-drafted constitution would bring about the stability Egyptians crave were dismissed by economic experts who warned that without enough currency reserves, there is little to stop the pound from falling.

"The instability of the foreign exchange rate is not at all detached from the political instability. It is a reflection and clear mirror to what is happening," said Haytham Abdel Fattah, head of the Treasury and International Markets Manager at Industrial Development Bank.


Mariam Rizk contributed to this report


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